LifeMAX® Systems

Products & Services

Computerized Patients’ Records

The LifeMAX® set of computerized patients’ records (CPR) is extraordinary in that it is designed to gather a comprehensive medical history and to document a comprehensive physical examination as well as inpatient/outpatient clinician’s progress notes, in-hospital nursing notes, and standard mental examination.

Computer-Assisted, Biobehavioral Treatment

Biobehavioral treatment combines biological science with behavioral science. Until recently, comprehensive, biobehavioral treatment simply has been too laborious, demanding, and expensive for clinicians to provide regularly on an outpatient basis. The computer now makes the impossible possible. LifeMAX® computer-assisted, biobehavioral software is propelling mental healthcare out of the 19th and into the 21st century.


Computer-Based Desensitization Clinical Utility for Professionals

In the mid-1950's, the late Joseph Wolpe, M.D., a psychiatrist, developed the first, clinical procedure for treating phobias. He called the procedure “systematic desensitization”. Via the computer, LifeMAX® has moved systematic desensitization into a new era with its recently introduced Desensitization Clinical Utility.


Inpatient Mental Healthcare

Anticipating the dramatic changes in mental healthcare, LifeMAX® pioneered the development of biobehavioral, inpatient programs in ...

All LifeMAX® inpatient programs emphasize quality of patient-staff interaction, qualitative and quantitative measures of clinical progress, and integration of regularly scheduled activities with individualized, therapeutic interventions.


Outpatient Mental Healthcare

In the late 1960's at Georgetown University, the founder of LifeMAX®, Dr. Moss, was pioneering the application of principles of behavioral science to outpatient mental healthcare. Today, LifeMAX® is propelling outpatient, mental healthcare into the 21st century by designing and producing computer-assisted software for the treatment of specific mental disorders. Introduction of the first product in this line of software, The Anxiety/Fear Treatment Program, began in 2004 via an affiliated service provider — LifeMAX® Medical Group. A second product, The Depression Treatment Program, already is in production, and others are on the drawing board.

Consulting Services

Since the early 1970's, the LifeMAX® organization has provided consultation to governmental agencies, nationally and internationally; hospitals; universities; and the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland.


Further Information

For more information about products and services, please contact LifeMAX® Systems via e-mail at
